Monday, May 19, 2014

Fitness May 20 - 23

Tuesday and Wednesday of this week are days to workout together and fitness testing is fast approaching (we start next week!)  so you need to make every workout count

Thursday is REDWALK

Friday is another workout day

Gerontology May 20 - 23

Wow!  First holiday weekend of the summer!  Hope you enjoyed your selves and the nice weather on Sunday/Monday

Tuesday and Wednesday of this week we head to Huronview,  I have already texted you a reminder of that

Thursday - REDWALK

Friday - caring for the elderly relatives and safety

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Gerontology Test

For the gerontology test on Diabetes and Alzheimer sure to review Laura's notes (you all have copies) that she took the day the nutritionist came to our class.  Know the difference between type1, type2 and gestational diabetes and a healthy lifestyle.

Know the warning signs of Alzheimer's disease, how it can affect the caregivers, the difference between mild, moderate and severe and the to label the lobes and what they do.  What is the difference between the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem

There are true/false, multiple choice, short answer and matching questions...your test is worth 40 marks.

Note that you will have a review sheet and time to review before the test!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Fitness Final Evaluation

PAF 30 Final Assessment

This Final Assessment is worth 30% of your final mark and will consist of 3 parts. Each part MUST be handed in on the due date or a mark of “0” is assigned.

PART A: Fitness App Evaluation

The internet and ipad apps are big sources of fitness workouts. You will choose one of the ipad apps (it will be a totally random draw) and you will work through the workouts and evaluate the app. Use the sheet provided to explain the app, discuss its advantages and its disadvantages and write a “report” on it.

DUE: TUESDAY June 10th

PART B: Fitness Workout Assignment

Susan is a 38 year old mother of 3 who wants to get back into shape so she can keep up with her kids, carry the groceries without huffing and puffing, tone up her arms, gain some flexibility, and maybe even loose a few pounds. She has come to you for help.

You need to design a 45 minute workout for her. It must include:
_____ a warm up
_____ an aerobic component
_____ an upper body component
_____ a lower body component
_____ a cool down

_____ You MUST include at least 5 different pieces of equipment (eg bosu, stability ball, lebert bars, free weights, battling ropes, bands, stairs, spin bike etc) – you may include H.I.I.T. (high intensity interval training)

_____ You MUST also be very specific...don't just say “15 minutes on the bike” a 15 minute bike workout that has her doing different things on the bike (single leg drills, spin ups, hill climbs etc)

Your workout will be written (or typed) on a piece of paper and handed in. You will also demonstrate your exercises and you have a couple of options.
-You may demonstrate in person to me during class,
-You may use an ipad and have someone take photos of you demonstrating the exercises – and create a slide show in “Keynote” or another app (eg. show me, pages, jot,
-You may use the ipad and have someone video your entire demonstration

If you are presenting in person, that will be Mon, Tues, Wed, Jan 16, 17,18
If you are creating a video or ipad presentation that is due Tuesday June 17

Part C: Fitness Logbook and Reflection

Using the results of your fitness tests and the information in your fitness logs look back on the past 5 months and evaluate the progress you made in your personal fitness. You will write this reflection in class on Thursday June 19. You will also hand in your log book that day so be sure that all logs are complete and all required pages filled out.

Your Written Reflection Needs to answer/address the following:

  • Look at your last fitness test results and compare them to your initial fitness test. In what two areas did you make your greatest improvement?
  • Why do you think that happened? What fitness activities helped you improve?
  • In what two fitness tests did you make little or no progress?
  • Why do you think that happened? What fitness activity or component of fitness did you perhaps ignore?
  • What was your main fitness goal and did you achieve that goal over the course of the semester? Why or why not?
  • Were there any barriers to you achieving your goal that you had to overcome?
  • What was the main thing you learned about stress reduction and did you adopt any of the strategies we learned about

Fitness reflection will be COMPLETED IN CLASS THURSDAY June 19 2014....on a handout I will provide


Gerontology May 12 - 16

Here is a look at the upcoming week:

Monday - short video "My name is Lisa" , a look at how to prevent brain injuries and protect your brain.  If we have time: Video...The forgetting.  Today is a very short class as we have a guest speaker at 10:30am

Tuesday - we go to Huronview

Wednesday - review during the class and short test on Diabetes and Alzheimer disease

Thursday - we go to Huronview

Friday - video...the forgetting

Watch a future post for info about your test

Fitness May 12 - 16

Now that the fitness room is complete and the weather is nice, we can amp up our training as we move towards our final fitness tests of the semester. Here is a tentative outline of the upcoming week

Monday - do not change today, it is a very short class due to a guest speaker at 10:30 am.  We will finish up our stress reduction unit...I will return your summary assignments you completed last week and you will use those to compete a short quiz

Tuesday - change and report to the fitness room to work out

Wednesday - change and report to the fitness room to workout,

Thursday - change and report to the fitness room to work out

Friday - we will likely begin the video "Sweet Home Alabama", stay tuned

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fitness May 5 - 9

The fitness room is almost looks amazing

Here is a look at our week...subject to change of course until we get moved back in

Monday - Faye Murray is coming to talk about Body talk and brain gym.  Then we will do "the workout of the day" Sam, Scott and Jaci, I still have not forgot about your presentations

Tuesday - Some type of workout.....I am at Track and field today.  I will leave instructions with the supply

Wednesday - Moving Day I hope!

Thursday - back to the regular schedule of a group workout and then your personal workout

Friday - YMCA...if you have not paid yet please so so ASAP

Gerontology May 5 - 9

Finally we got back to Huronview last week!  Here is a look at the upcoming week

Monday - Jeanette Sears from the Alzheimer society is coming to give a presentation on the disease

Tuesday - Back to Huronview

Wednesday - We will carry on with the notes/worksheet on alzheimer disease and take up what you have competed, and look at the lobes of the brain

Thursday - Huronview visit

Friday - Finish up alzheimer disease