Monday, January 7, 2013

PAF 20 January 7 - 11

Happy New Year and Welcome back!!

We are doing the stairs to start working off all the Christmas eating and then you will be following your fitness plan.  We will also begin your final evaluation project this week.  Take note of all due dates on the calendar attached to this website.  Below is a copy of your final evaluation has 3 distinct parts.

PAF 20 Final Assessment

This Final Assessment is worth 30% of your final mark and will consist of 3 parts.

PART A: Fitness Portfolio

You will create a fitness portfolio that contains at least ten (10) fitness related articles. This can include “how to” information and “fitness workouts” You need to include one article on each of the following topics:
-muscular strength and endurance
The other 6 articles can be on any fitness related topic.

You also need to provide a brief summary of any three of these articles – READ THE ARTICLES AND TYPE OR HANDWRITE A SUMMARY – include articles and summaries
Please hand in your portfolio in a duo-tang, folder, or scrap book and provide a title page with your name and table of contents as well.
Note: You may find articles online, in the magazines I provide or in your own magazines


Title page ........................................................ ____
Table of contents ............................................ ____
Muscular strength and endurance article ...... ____
Cardiovascular article .................................. ____
Flexibility article .............................................. ____
Nutrition article ............................................... ____
3 article summaries ........................................ ____
At least 6 more articles .................................... ____

PART B Fitness Performance

Individually - each student will demonstrate an appropriate warm-up or cool down and two exercises for a specific part of the body (upper body, abs, lower body). The area of the body and whether it is a warm-up or cool down will be drawn randomly from a hat....ensure that you are prepared.......
Students need to include the following information ....what are the safety concerns (if any) for your exercises? What muscle(s) do your exercises target? (check your muscle handout) What equipment (if any) is required?
Individual Evaluations will take place MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 22, 23, 2013.

Part C Fitness Logbook and Reflection

Using the results of your fitness tests and the information in your fitness logs look back on the past 5 months and evaluate the progress you made in your personal fitness. You will write this reflection during the exam time period on Thursday January 24th. You will also hand in your log book that day so be sure that all logs are complete and all required pages filled out.

Your Written Reflection Needs to answer/address the following:

  • Look at your last fitness test results and compare them to your initial fitness test. In what two areas did you make your greatest improvement?
  • Why do you think that happened? What fitness activities helped you improve?
  • In what two fitness tests did you make little or no progress?
  • Why do you think that happened? What fitness activity or component of fitness did you perhaps ignore?
  • What was your main fitness goal and did you achieve that goal over the course of the semester? Why or why not?
  • Were there any barriers to you achieving your goal that you had to overcome?
  • What was the main thing you learned about nutrition and did you change any of your eating habits at all?

Fitness reflection COMPLETED IN CLASS THRUSDAY JANUARY 24th 2013


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